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Friday, September 26, 2008

dc Talk - Free At Last Extended Play Remixes

On a hot, balmy, June day, I asked my mom to take me to the local entertainment superstore (no, I wasn't old enough to drive, yet) to save me from dying of boredom. When I entered the store, I decided to browse the Christian music section. As I searched for something interesting, I came upon a used copy of Free at Last Extended Play Remixes. I looked around some more and finally checked out. As I handed the cashier the CD, she informed me that it would be 8 dollars. "Wow!" I thought, "8 bucks for a used CD with four songs on it." I decided to purchase it, as it made my dc Talk CD collection even more extensive (I claim to own every album, but I'm sure there's something I don't own).

One day, a month or so later, I was looking through my CDs trying to find something to listen to when I came across this disc. The album kicks off with the Techno Mix of "Jesus is Just Alright." It takes almost a full minute and a half to hear the first verse, and the second verse is nearly another minute and a half away. Interestingly enough, the third verse is completely omitted. For the last two minutes of the song, all you hear is the beat, virtually no vocals. The next song, the Retro Mix of "Jesus is Just Alright" is essentially the same as the first. The verses are spread apart and the choruses are somewhat inaudible. Again, the third verse is completely omitted. The only variance in this remix is there is a bit of a salsa feel at times. The Gotee Mix of "Luv is a Verb" follows....

Continue Reading at this Christian Music Review

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